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The Mapping Project


Weapons/Robotics: Entities that design or manufacture weapons and weapons systems; entities that design or manufacture robots or robotic instrumentation, often for military or police.

University: Under University, we have included both public and private universities and colleges, research centers with strong ties to universities, and academic organizations.

State/Local Government: Cities and the state as jurisdictions or seats of government, as well as some state or municipal agencies.

Real Estate: Entities involved in marketing real estate or managing rental property, as well as organizations representing landlords and property owners.

Prison/Prison-Industrial Complex: Jails, prisons and other detention centers, as well as companies focused on providing services to these institutions or profiting from prison labor.

Politician: Elected officials in city, state or federal government.

Police: Under Police, we have included city, county, state and federal police agencies, as well as university police departments, and police professional organizations, some of which could also be classified as NGOs.

NGO: Non-profit corporations that provide services or engage in public advocacy. In some cases, organizations that might be listed as NGOs have been placed in another category because of their primary focus (e.g., the Jewish Labor Committee is an NGO, but has been listed under Labor; law enforcement councils are set up as non-profit corporations, but have been listed as Police).

Military: Used for US military bases, for all branches of the US military.

Media: Entities involved in mass communications, such as newspapers, online journals, and websites that report news or promote current events.

Lifestyle: Entities involved in manufacturing or selling consumer products in areas such as food, fitness, and clothing.

Labor: Includes unions, labor federations, and some non-governmental organizations focused primarily on organized labor.

Israeli Government: Used for the Israeli Consulate.

Healthcare/Pharma: Includes pharmaceutical, medical technology, and biotech companies and research centers.

Finance: Entities such as banks and investment firms focused primarily on providing financial services.

Executive Officer: An individual person who holds a high level management position in a public agency.

Cultural: Entities such as museums and theaters, as well as organizations that promote arts and culture.

Corporate Officer: An individual person who holds a high level management position in a business corporation.

Consulting: Entities that provide legal, financial, or organizational advising, often under contract with the military, universities, police or other public agencies.

Construction/Engineering: Entities involved in the construction of buildings, laboratories and factories, as well as the engineering and manufacture of some types of machine parts or other similar products, often under contract with the military, weapons companies, universities, police and prisons.

Computing/Logistics: Entities involved in developing and marketing computer technology, both hardware and software, often in the fields of surveillance, communications and cybersecurity. Also includes entities involved in other forms of related technology (e.g., surveillance cameras), and in supply chain logistics, often for the military and police.

Board Member: An individual person who is the member of a corporate board.

Agribusiness: Entities involved in large-scale agriculture for purposes of maximizing profits, or in the technological modification of food production methods to increase profit, often with strong monopolistic tendencies.

Zionism: As ideology, we understand Zionism to be a form of white supremacy that supports the colonization of Palestine by a settler population. Zionism begins in the 19th century; both its origins and its continuing political power are in Europe and the United States (also a colonial-settler state). As a material project, Zionism is the continued presence of settler-colonists on land in Palestine and their dominance over land, resources and politics. Support for the continued existence of a colonial-settler state anywhere in historic Palestine, or for colonial-settlers continuing to hold land there - whether on land colonized through various processes before 1948, land on which a settler-state was declared in 1948, or on land under occupation and colonization since 1967 - is Zionism.

US Imperialism: Includes the following: US aggression against other countries and occupation of other countries as practiced by the US military; the development and manufacture of weapons and other technology that aids US military aggression; academic research in support of the US military; investment in weapons companies that supply the US military; propaganda in support of US military aggression or US global or regional dominance; recruitment for the US military; promotion or support of US global or regional dominance through economic and political mechanisms; activities that undermine anti-colonial resistance movements in the interest of promoting US business interests and US political dominance; research, teaching and political activities that provide strategic support for US dominance. We also recognize that the conquest of Indigenous nations first in the establishment of a British colony here where we live, and later in the creation and expansion of the United States as a colonial-settler state, are imperialist and at the core of all later imperialist expansion.

Surveillance: Includes surveillance as practiced by police and military agencies (e.g., through covert eavesdropping on phone conversations, or the use of video camera networks), development, manufacture and distribution of surveillance technology (e.g., by technology and weapons companies), and academic research that contributes to the development of surveillance technology and methods.

Propaganda/Normalization: Includes the following practices: promoting Israel and Zionism through advertising, advocacy and teaching; promoting Israel through distributing Israeli products; promoting tourism and travel to Israel; engaging in academic exchange programs with Israel; and hosting Israeli cultural events, celebrities, academics, or political figures. We've also used this category for similar practices relating to other Harm Categories listed on the map -- e.g., museums that celebrate police or the military, and university programs that promote US imperialism.

Privatization: Includes the following practices: placing formerly public institutions, utilities or resources under the control of private corporations; outsourcing public functions to private corporations; expanding the presence and power of private corporations in academic research and education; the use of intellectual property law to move scientific knowledge, production and living things into private ownership; other attacks on the commons, such as moving public land or water into private ownership.

Prison-Industrial Complex: We've used this category for the practice of imprisoning human beings in detention centers, for the practice of tracking human beings to limit their movement, for providing services and products to institutions that engage in these practices, and for profiting off of human beings held captive in such institutions through slavery and severely underpaid labor. Prisons exist alongside police to maintain colonial and capitalist power relationships through violence and coercion.

Policing: Activities of police forces or organizations that support police (including cop unions and professional organizations), for the promotion and expansion of police activities, for research and technological development that support police activities, and for supplying police with weapons, equipment and training. The primary role of police is to maintain colonial and capitalist power relationships through violence and coercion.

Militarization: Includes the following: providing military equipment, organization and training to US police forces; expanding the presence of the military in our communities (e.g., in schools); and the expansion of academic research and technological development for military purposes.

Health Harm: Pollution of air and water or manufacture of consumer products that cause harm to human health; manufacture and distribution of unhealthy foods, as well as attacks on food sovereignty that lead to food insecurity and malnutrition; manufacture and distribution of harmful drugs; privatization of medicine; medical apartheid; the patenting of medicines for profit; and other similar practices.

Ethnic Cleansing/Displacement ('Gentrification'): Practices that force BIPOC, immigrant and low-income people out of existing communities by raising rents and property values, by evicting people because they can't pay rent, by raising the general cost of living, by increasing aggressive policing and incarceration of community members, by construction projects that destroy housing or remove low-income housing, and by other methods familiarly known as 'gentrification'.

Ecological Harm: Activities such as the following: producing greenhouse gasses that contribute to climate destruction; the production of toxic chemicals that pollute air, soil, and water; the creation of genetically modified organisms and their release into the environment, with potentially devastating impacts; destructive mining and deforestation; and for investment in companies that participate in these and similar activities.

Colonialism: Includes the following practices: settlement construction in Palestine; the theft of indigenous land and violence against indigenous communities here where we live; the militarization and hardening of the US border; and extractive development that robs land and resources from Indigenous communities here and around the world.

Ableism: Ableism names a cluster of assumptions about what constitutes the 'normal' human, which are inextricably linked to capitalist notions of productivity and to eugenic agendas that seek to eliminate or marginalize those who are deemed 'undesirable,' 'unfit,' or 'disabled.' Ableism manifests in many ways, from language to the way buildings are designed to the gadgets and computer programs. We have used ableism to mark only a small number of these manifestations. We acknowledge that much more needs to be done to name the ableism that the entities on our map are complicit in, and we plan to actively fill in these gaps in collaboration.