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Friends of the IDF - New England Region


Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FOIDF) is, according their website, "the single organization authorized to collect charitable donations on behalf of the IDF across the United States, as designated by Lt. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot, IDF Chief of the General Staff in March 2017 and by Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi, IDF Chief of the General Staff in February 2019 and April 2021." 

The New England Regional Chapter of Friends of the Israel Defense Forces is "comprised of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, and the eastern part of Connecticut," and claims to "have over 6,000 supporters who come from a wide range of professions including medicine, finance, business, academia, and community affairs." FOIDF New England's website also claims that their chapter's last annual dinner "Attracted 1,200 attendees and raised almost $1.5 million."

New England Board Members

Alisa Abecassis David Hager Marc Perlman – Vice President*
Ricki Alon Larry J. Hochberg – Chairman Emeritus* Robert Polak
Harvey Axelrod Daniel J. Hyman Amitai Raziel*
Gary Balter Mike Izak Israel Roizman
Sammy Bar-Or Marc Jason Anthony Rubin –
Daniel Benedict Marvin Josephson – Chairman Emeritus Stephen Wayne Rubin – Secretary/General Counsel*
Ronny Ben-Josef Michael Kalisman Ari Ryan
Scott Black Avi Kaner Haim Saban
Max Blankfeld Michael Karlin Monica Sasson
Alan Brody Alan Katz Ron Sedley
Doug Bunim Shmuel Katz Rob Selati – Treasurer*
Robert Burman Andrew Klaber Robert Shillman
Robert Cohen* Netta Korin Morris Silverman
Fred Distenfeld Richard Kwal Norman Smith
Nily Falic – Chairman Emeritus* Barbara Leff Garry Sobel
Oscar Feldenkreis Morey Levovitz Lloyd Sokoloff
William Fox Nathan Lewinger Arthur Stark – Chairman Emeritus*
Albert Frank Melinda Lowell Peter Weintraub – Board Chairman*
Aaron Ganz Brian Mermelshtein Michael Werner
Fred Gluckman – President* Sharon Mishkin David Wiener
Mitch Gold Gerald Mizel Shahram Yaghoubzadeh
Gabriel Groisman Sam Moshe Ofer Yardeni
Harry Gross Wendy Moskowitz Zack Zalben
Bernard Groveman Jorde Nathan Arie Zweig
Irwin Haber Spencer Partrich  
154 Wells Ave, Newton, MA 02459

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