For more information on policing in Massachusetts, see entry on Boston Police.
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- Association/Collaboration – Amazon
The Mattapoisett Police Department participates in Amazon’s "Ring network," which as reported in The Verge, "lets law enforcement ask users for footage from their Ring security cameras to assist with investigations." The Ring is an Amazon-produced "video doorbell, which allows Ring users to see, talk to, and record people who come to their doorsteps," and which "sends notifications to a person’s phone every time the doorbell rings or motion near the door is detected."
- Partnership/Ownership/Membership – Southeastern Massachusetts Law Enforcement Council (SEMLEC)
The Mattapoisett Police Department is a member agency of the Southeastern Massachusetts Law Enforcement Council (SEMLEC). Like other Law Enforcement Councils (LECs) in Massachusetts, SEMLEC functions to increase regional collaboration between police and sheriff's departments, while organizing SWAT teams and obtaining military equipment for use by its member agencies. Set up as non-profit professional organizations, LECs have attempted to restrict public knowledge of their activities and have refused public records requests.